Quilt This January Retreat
This one will be held on January 6th through 9th at Shalom Spirituality Center. The options and rates are listed below:
Thursday through Sunday - $250 + tax (includes 3 nights stay and all meals beginning Thursday evening)
Friday through Sunday - $200 + tax (includes 2 nights stay and all meals)
Commuter Thursday through Sunday - $180 + tax (includes all meals beginning Thursday evening)
Commuter Friday through Sunday - $150 + tax (includes all meals)
You can sign up on our website at www.quiltthisdbq.com or call the shop at 563-580-9833. Your payment in full will hold your space.
Can't wait to see you there!
Please do not reply to this email. If you want to contact us through email, please send it to: quiltthisdbq@gmail.com
Quilt This
10760 Diesel Drive
Dubuque, IA 52001